What are the symptoms of obesity and what are the treatment methods?


He has prepared an article about obesity, which is one of the biggest diseases of our time.

What is obesity?
Obesity or obesity, known by the people, is a disease that occurs as a result of excessive accumulation of fat in the body and must be treated. Obesity occurs when the amount of energy taken with nutrients exceeds the amount of energy consumed by metabolism and physical activity.
Obesity is a disease that can shorten human life, negatively affect the quality of life and the systems such as the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, hormonal system and digestive system, and prepares the ground for many important diseases.
Symptoms of obesity
The most commonly used measurement for obesity is Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference measurement. The BMI is calculated by dividing body weight (kg) by the square of the neck (m²). This value is independent of age and gender. Experts have categorized their BMI values ​​into normal weight, overweight, obese and morbid obese.
It is important to know where the fat accumulates, as well as the total amount of fat in the body. Fat accumulation around the abdomen causes more risk than fat accumulation in the hips and other parts of the body. A simple but accurate method for risk is waist circumference measurement.
Causes of obesity
To put it simply, obesity occurs as a result of disruption of the energy balance. Diet, exercise, and genes create energy balance. In conditions where energy intake is more than consumption, the energy balance deteriorates. Those who are fed with excessively fatty foods have a desire to eat constantly without getting a feeling of satiety, they take energy and store it more than necessary.
In addition, various behavioral changes, physiological, psychological, genetic, medical and endocrine causes are also effective in the formation of obesity.
Obesity treatment
With diet and exercise, it is possible to lose up to 5-10% of body weight at most, and when this approach is stopped, weight gain is almost the rule. Losing more weight and not regaining it for a long time helps more the recovery of concomitant diseases and ensures that the long-term psychological pressure in these patients disappears.

Today, the most effective method of creating permanent weight loss is obesity surgery. These practices reduce the excess weight by 50-80% and keep the person’s weight in the long run. Click for detailed information about obesity treatment.
Obesity surgery
Diet and exercise therapy has attracted attention as the most traditional methods of losing weight for many years. However, these treatment methods are sometimes successful in the short term for obese / morbidly obese patients, but are rarely permanent. Obesity Surgery is the most permanent and effective weight loss method for obese / morbid obese people. The biggest aim of obesity surgery is to bring your weight to the healthiest and safest range for your body.
The most common forms of Obesity Surgery are Laparoscopic Tube Stomach / Stomach Reduction, Laparoscopic Roux’s Y Gastric Bypass / Mini Gastric Bypass, Laparoscopic Duedonal Switch and Endoscopic Stomach Balloon. You need to be examined by your surgeon to determine which procedure is right for you.

Obesity surgery
Obesity surgeries should never be perceived as a kind of aesthetic surgery. Surgical intervention should be considered if the patient’s BMI (Body mass index) is more than 35 kg / m2 or BMI is 30-35 kg / m2 and is at high risk for obesity related diseases and weight loss cannot be achieved despite all treatment interventions.
In addition, increasing data suggest that these obesity surgeries are one of the most effective treatment methods for different metabolic diseases and conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and obstructive sleep apnea.

Before obesity surgery, our patients undergo detailed examination. If there are no factors that would prevent them from having surgery or make the operation risky, they are included in the operation.

Patients before obesity surgery; It is evaluated by endocrinology, psychiatry, cardiology and chest diseases specialists.
The examinations performed before surgery can be listed as follows:
Blood tests
Urine tests
Cardiological tests (ECG, echocardiography, further examinations if necessary)
Lung health is evaluated; respiratory function tests
Ultrasound of the upper abdomen (upper abdomen)
 In addition to these tests, further tests can be applied in the discretion required.


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